Ways to Extend Dell T114C Laptop Battery Life
Laptop batteries in particular are annoying and expensive to replace, today Australia quality laptop batteries & power adapters supplier: BattAussie battery experts share 5 ways you can increase the life of your laptop battery.
Prolong Dell T114C Laptop Battery Life Instructions
1. Don’t remove or insert the laptop battery while the laptop is running
This is a pretty obvious one, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. Among other suggestions, PCWorld recommends, among other suggestions, that users should always shut down your computer completely before removing the laptop battery, or you risk some serious damage.

2. Don’t leave your computer fully charged
Even if you don’t use the 80/20 method all the time (and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t) do your best to not leave your laptop battery 100% of the way charged. Try to stay in that ideal 20% to 80% range (or better yet, 40% to 60%) when you’re away from your laptop computer. That typically means not leaving your notebook plugged in overnight or for any extended period for the sake of your Dell vostro 1510 laptop battery health. There’s a good chance you’ll occasionally forget to unplug, though. You can avoid having to remember by using a product like the Belkin Conserve Socket that prohibits your computer from fully charging.
3. Don’t let your Dell laptop overheat
If you can feel the heat from your laptop on your skin as you lie on the couch, you have a bit of a problem. That’s especially true if your Dell laptop computer is shutting down unexpectedly. It’s a little trickier to cool down a laptop than a desktop computer, but it is doable. You’ll need either a laptop cooler or a small PC vacuum that sucks up the dirt in the vents.
4. Do not use Google Chrome web browser
This very enlightening Forbes article reveals that the Google Chrome web browser may be reducing the life of your laptop battery if you’re using a Windows computer. As the browser stays open it eats up more and more energy, causing your computer to shut down sooner and your laptop battery to wear down faster. This is unfortunate news, especially since Chrome is considered by many to be the most powerful and effective browser. If you’re really, really concerned with replacing your laptop battery, you can switch to Firefox. But, like many of the other steps on this list, that might not be worth it for you. The convenience of using an arguably superior web browser and not having to keep a constant eye on your computer’s every function may triumph over the money you’ll save holding on to your laptop battery a little longer. Ultimately, though, that’s for you to decide.
5. Never let your Dell T114C laptop battery run out
This is one of the worst things for both your laptop battery and for your Dell computer itself. As frustrating as it is when your laptop goes to sleep before you can reach a laptop charger, the harm of letting that happen is even more severe than you first realize. To avoid damaging the hardware (including the battery) be very wary of letting your laptop battery reach zero percent.
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